Watch the Livestream - Sunday February 2, 7:00PM
Rev. Dr. Marjorie Lewis
Manning Memorial Chapel YouTube Channel
Regular Weekly Events at the Chapel
Mondays – Thursdays Daily Prayer, 11:30 – 11:55 a.m.
Wednesdays Online only: 6:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting; 6:30 - 7:30p.m. Bible Study
Thursdays 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. Soup in the SUB; Choir Practice 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Fridays 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. Roman Catholic Prayer; 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. Dancing
Sundays, 7:00 p.m. Worship Service in person and live streamed
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Daily Prayer Focus for the Acadia University Community
Daily Readings (From the Bible) [5 – 10 minutes]
Description: Readings for the Liturgical Year; 3 readings per day consisting of a Psalm, reading from the Old Testament and Reading from the New Testament.
Sacred Space [Approximately 5 minutes with additional guides to extend the prayer time]
Description: Daily Prayer inclusive of preparation, contemplation and Bible Reading developed by the Irish Jesuits. Also available in other languages.
Morning Prayer
The Deer's Cry (with lyrics) [approximately 3 minutes]
Description: Prayer also known as ‘St. Patrick’s Breastplate’ set to music, accompanied by nature scenes.
Midday Prayer
Northumbria Community [Approximately 4 minutes]
Description: brief prayers and meditations by a diverse and dispersed community of Christians who commit to Celtic daily prayer; social action and mutual accountability. Morning and Evening Prayers are also available.
Evening Prayer
Lutheran Church of Honolulu [Approximately 5 minutes]
Description: includes prayers from the Episcopal Church tradition, Bible readings from the Common Lectionary. Morning, Midday and Night Prayers also available.
Acadia University Prayer
Lord God of all wisdom, we pray for Acadia University, that she may be faithful to the purposes of our Founders, continue to promote the search for truth and knowledge, and be an inspiration to others who follow. May we be a community of scholars sharing this ambition, caring for one another, and loyal to the truth revealed to us as thy disciples. Amen.
Further general prayers for students here
President and Vice-Chancellor Jeffrey Hennessy, Vice Presidents and Division Heads
Information on the Office of the President and Vice-Chancellor
Faculty of Arts: Dean David Duke, faculty, staff and students
Information on the Faculty of Arts:
Faculty of Professional Studies: Dean Corinne Haigh, faculty, staff and students
Information on the Faculty of Professional Studies:
People of faith who struggle with doubts or have lost their faith; those who experience prejudice or persecution because of their faith; the Wolfville Area Inter-Church Council (WAICC), the World Council of Churches (WCC).
Manning Memorial Chapel Team Chaplain Marjorie Lewis, University and Chapel Organist John Scott, Chapel Assistants, members of the Chapel Choir, those who worship and have gatherings in the Chapel; Faith Groups at Acadia University
Pray for: Those who are lonely, elderly, imprisoned, homeless, struggling with addiction; children without care and protection; victims of human trafficking; those isolated and alone because of COVID-19, other communicable and non-communicable diseases.
Acadia Resource Centres: Entrepreneurship, Academic, Athletics, Students’ Union, Accessible Learning, Alumni Affairs, Health, Residence Life, Bookstore, Library, Open Acadia, Registrar’s Office, Safety and Security, Scholarships and Financial Assistance, Student Resource/Counselling Centre, Technology Services, Wong International Centre
Refugees and displaced persons; those who are abused, sick, dying, worried, living in war zones; and those who have given up hope; Doctors, Nurses, Lab Technicians, Cleaners, Garbage Collectors, Security Personnel, counsellors, Caregivers, Social Workers, Volunteers and all working to prevent infection, treat illness and ensure safety and well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic, and when affected by communicable and non-communicable diseases
Faculty of Pure and Applied Science - Interim Dean Robert Raeside, faculty, staff and students
Information on the Faculty of Pure and Applied Science
Research and Graduate Studies Dean Anna Redden, faculty, staff and students
Information on the Faculty of Research and Graduate Studies
Daily Prayer Focus for the World
“We are all Relatives” A Letter to the United Church of Canada from the National Indigenous Elders Council [3 minutes]
Description: Letter and prayer from the Indigenous Elders Council affirming good leadership, mutual support and the value of prayer and ceremony during the COVID- 19 experience.
Praying Together as we face COVID-19 (2 minutes)
Description: prayer of the Jamaica Baptist Union that can be adapted to make specific mention of other countries
Cancer During COVID: A Meditation (13 Minutes)
Description: Introduction and general reflection on suffering and death followed by compassionate guided meditation. Presented by Nova Scotian Hospital Chaplain as resource for persons with sick or worried relatives whom they can’t visit in person.
Give thanks for: the beauty of nature, the love of friends and family, the joy of pets
Pray for: Religious Leaders, Governments, the United Nations, activists for peace and the preservation of the environment
Give thanks for: creativity, innovation, skill and the human potential
Pray for: Entertainers and all experts in the visual, performing and plastic arts; experts in business, innovation, communication, human development, justice and peace.
Give thanks for: life, strength, abilities; opportunities to study and grow
Pray for: people with disabilities; Indigenous peoples, people of African descent, ethnic minorities within countries; students who struggle to find food, finance tuition, or fear falling behind in their studies.
Give thanks for: God’s love, power and mercy; freedom to worship and opportunities to serve others
Pray for: people of faith who struggle with doubts or have lost their faith; those who experience prejudice or persecution because of their faith; the World Council of Churches.
Give thanks for: help, health, healing, hospitality, protection and kindness.
Pray for: Those who are lonely, elderly, imprisoned, homeless, struggling with addiction; children without care and protection; victims of human trafficking; those isolated and alone because of COVID-19.
Give thanks for: those who teach, inspire, design equipment and develop therapies to support human well-being and right use of the world’s resources.
Pray for: refugees and displaced persons; those who are abused, sick, dying, worried, living in war zones; and those who have given up hope; Doctors, Nurses, Lab Technicians, Cleaners, Garbage Collectors, Security Personnel, counsellors, Caregivers, Social Workers, Volunteers and all working to prevent infection, treat illness and ensure safety and well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic
Give thanks for: rest, leisure and laughter
Pray for: those without recreation, those struggling to do the right thing, those living with poverty; those who have experienced trauma, those without access to a regular and clean water supply, those with no space to practice social distancing, those we dislike and those who we think are hostile towards us