Why is there a Chapel?

The search for human knowledge has been a human quest since the beginning of time. We want to know how the earth began, what the meaning of life involves, and if there is a purpose to our existence. 

Universities since their beginnings in medieval times have been an important part of this quest. They originated with the Church. 

At some point in our life we ask if there is a Supreme Being associated with the world, its functions, and humanity. This search for God is called "theology," and it is not restricted to formal religious instruction, and the clergy. In fact, Theology is the "Queen of Sciences." Everyone, if they are educated, asks these questions sometime in their academic career

The University Chaplaincy is common to most universities, and helps to facilitate this quest for wholeness. 

Acadia University was founded by church people in 1838, and this tradition is part of our history and charter. 

The University Chapel is a place set aside so these questions might be considered and answers found, and worship offered. It has been a fundamental belief at Acadia that education and spiritual learning go hand in hand. 

In 1958 Acadia Students asked for a chapel to be built on this campus. They began to raise money for its construction when the family of Fred C. Manning, long associated with Acadia, offered to build it in his memory. It was opened and dedicated in 1963.

The chapel is ecumenical, open to all, to pursue the spiritual context of an academic education.


Why and when does the Chapel bell ring?

The I. Judson Levy Memorial Bell rings each weekday to call us to Chapel services. The bell is also rung on Sunday evening at 6:50 and 6:59 pm to call us to the Evening Chapel service, which often boasts guest speakers and communion services on the second Sunday of each month. These services are ecumenical in nature and open to all.

The bell is also rung to announce wedding services, memorial services and other special services throughout the year. To find out about upcoming events, check the Home page of the Chapel's website.


What is the University Prayer?

The university prayer: 

Lord God of all wisdom, we pray for Acadia University, that she may be faithful to the purposes of our founders, continue to promote the search for truth and knowledge, and be an inspiration to others who follow. May we be a community of scholar's sharing this ambition, caring for one another and loyal to the truth revealed to us by Christ Jesus. Amen


Why are there services everyday?

It is an ancient university tradition, including Acadia's, to regard spiritual matters as important to the daily university and personal routine. It is a healthy spiritual habit to pray everyday.


Who may be married in the Chapel?

The chapel serves the Acadia University community. Since it is understandable that students, faculty, staff and alumni who are a part of this community might like to be married in the university chapel, we are glad to accommodate their wish as best as possible around the other normal activities which take place there. Only those with this association with the University are permitted to be married in the chapel. 


Who may perform the wedding?

The Chaplain is the usual person who officiates at chapel services. However, some couples may have family or personal friends who are clergy and it is natural that they would want them to participate. They are certainly welcome to assist the Chaplain in the service, or the Chaplain may be glad to invite them to take the whole service (in place of the Chaplain).

When the Chaplain is not present, the office (containing candles, the Marriage Register, and the control for the I. Judson Levy Memorial Bell) is locked and, unfortunately, these materials will not be available.